- Easy to find for sale
- Compatible with AR15s as well as M&P 15-22s
- LRBHO support
- Short 10 round magazines are also offered which can be helpful for the kind of precision shooting where the AR's magazine likes to crowd the shooter's support elbow out of position.
- They need some sort of shim to fit in a AR mag well because they’re smaller than a standard magazine.
LRBHO functionality:
- Works out of the box with BetterMag
- Works with Catch22
- A clip-on or stick-on shim is needed because the magazines are smaller front-to-back than a standard mag.Catch22 offers two solutions for this.
- Stick-on adapter
- If you're running multiple types of magazines, use these so that you don't need to remove the clip-on adapter every time you want to use a non-15-22 mag
- Clip-on adapter
- If you're only running 15-22 magazines, this makes more sense since you'll only need one regardless of how many magazines you have.
Price / Where to buy:
- $22 |
- $24 |
- $28 |